[VA] Significant Change and Custody Modification Question

No, he hasn't filed for more placement yet, but his last 6 months of history would be a "no" from the judge. He quasi turned it around in the last 3 months, so Im anticipating it, though, except for things that would be a she said/he said.

The kids are medically risky, and he lied in JDR court about their conditions and to me afterward. He told the court their medical conditions were my imagination, and since I didn't think he'd deny their medical needs. My lawyer didn't subpoena that doctor in time, and their institution's rules were clear that if not on time, then no doctor. Would knowingly lying to the court about their medical conditions make a difference? I can prove beyond a doubt he knew. He had to sign forms that he was appropriately educated on the condition.

He lied to me afterward, saying that the doctor told him our child no longer had that condition. It's possible for the body to mature and potentially outgrow it, but it's highly unlikely. He has also misinformed a doctor about our child when he did take them in, and it resulted in an untreated bacterial infection. I had to take them in the next day on my time to start antibiotics.

/r/Custody Thread Parent