Cyclist says his pool noodle makes Toronto streets safer for him | Toronto Star

Tbh as a driver who lives and works in downtown, I'm "scared" of cyclist. I have been driving for about 20 years now, and I've learnt to predict what the other driver does so I can be prepared if shit happens. For cyclists, it's so hard to tell. Many cyclist' riding behaviour in my experience are pretty unpredictable, and erratically.

On a daily basis majority of cyclist doesn't stop behind the solid white line on a red light. All cyclists squeeze through that very narrow path between the car and the curb, and stops AFTER the solid white line, wth is that? No cars does that. How do drivers make a safe right turn then? The sidewalk corners are usually rounded out to allow cars to make a smooth right turn, when a cyclist sits there it forces the car to make a sharper (and wide) right turn. Same situation, how can we give a meter to bikes if all cyclists decides to squeeze through the tight space between car and the curb on a red. And then when it becomes green, cyclist wobbles on acceleration closely to our cars. This is dangerous for both the driver and cyclist! There are so many other scenarios I've come across, I just don't know what is right anymore.

Like yesterday on Dundas West, on my way home I saw a little girl (under 10) sitting behind her mom on the same bike without a proper seats, without her arms wrapped around her mom. There was no protect from the kid falling backwards and the kid's feet just dangling near of the rear wheel. I'm scared for the kid and I'm scared of mom because I don't trust the mom's judgement anymore.

I believe we should all be able to share the roads, but our roads are just so poorly designed and not prepared to be shared by all bikes, cars, skateboards, street cars, electric scooters, pedestrian, jaywalkers and parked cars, all in those two lanes. All I hope is everyone be able to go safely wherever we are going, without the aggression and hostility. We still work to do to create this harmony. Having separate bike lanes is a good start imo.

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