Dads who own firearms:

It's important to point out that the study states firearm suicide (such as a kid accidentally shooting themselves, AKA pretty much the whole reason for this post and your comment on kids hurting themselves) accounted for 1.1% of the increase in firearm related injuries, and would not have been the leading cause of death on its own. Instead, firearm homicide like you would see from gang violence, school shootings, domestic disputes, etc. was the driver of the mortality increase at a positive rate of over 33%, and this data is from 2020 when schools were barely in session at all due to covid so school shootings were likely way down, correct me if im wrong. I'm not saying you're wrong, gun safety is the most important part of owning a gun in my opinion, but the data paints a way different picture as far as in-home gun safety when you read into what the data says. Make your guns inaccessible to those you don't want to get it, teach your kids how to be safe around guns, and do your best to keep them away from situations where violence of any kind may occur.

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