DAE ever have so much to do that they just can’t do anything

Yes, because I find it overwhelming and this gives me anxiety and I avoid it. Even though this makes the situation worse.

The way I get through this is to sit down and write out what is going on for me and then read it through and decide how to act for my best interests, despite my current feelings. I will write things including how I feel, i.e. overwhelmed and anxious (about not getting things done in time, or list of things to do becoming bigger and bigger), the thoughts surrounding my to-do list or deadline (often have to really get quiet to hear these as they’re often faint. They’re often fears such as, ‘what if I regret something down the line that doing this small thing will help accomplish?’ or ‘what if i do it wrong’ or what if I fail’ etc etc). And then I note my behaviours (such as over-sleeping and missing out on part of my day, or procrastinating in some way, or conveniently forgetting about things on my to-do list).

Then I have a mental chat with myself, sooth my feelings (often fearful younger version of myself), and visualise the outcome if I keep avoiding things and then also visualise the alternative outcome if I do what I need to do.

I then do what needs to be done because I’ve realised that my feelings preventing me from doing things that will benefit my life are based in irrationality that I’ve internalised at a young age or some fear of failure or of becoming the person/living the lifestyle that I always wanted to be.

Sorry if this was too much and not helpful to OP. I just thought it may be to some who avoid things a lot. I consider myself the queen of avoidance; I’ve had some really big issues with not getting things done in the past. And thought I’d throw this out there!

/r/DoesAnybodyElse Thread