Daily Discussion Post - July 08 | Questions, images, videos, comments, unconfirmed reports, theories, suggestions

Schools open? Yes, I’m sure that’s a great idea, just like opening summer camps...

Many summer camps have closed entirely this year but I’ve already heard of 3 that have had COVID-19 and I’m sure there are more to come and others I have no knowledge of because I haven’t been seeking out the information either, it’s just shown up in my feed.

At least one of those camps had COVID-19 on opening day of camp.

Sending children to school(or even adults in college) is irresponsible at best with our current situation. I mean we are referring to schools of which most seem to have little to no funds to actually accommodate the necessary COVID-19 safety adaptations.

Wishing you all stay safe and healthy!

/r/Coronavirus Thread Parent