Daily Discussion Thread: 03/19/2017

This weekend marks the third time my fiancée has competed at a regional show in bikini and done poorly. The show she was in yesterday was small enough to get her a buy to provincials.

I know I'm supposed to keep supporting her regardless of the outcome and the number of times she chooses to compete. However, she is letting other aspects of her life slide because she has become hyper focused on her "goal". The two weeks prior to her competition she will not lift a finger around the house, she never has anytime for me because of her workouts, she spends an inordinate amount of money on suits, hair, nails, etc. She will spend hours taking pictures of herself and posting on IG and I come home to the house being a disaster. But how dare I say absolutely anything about it because she's "working".

I say all of this because I know she suffered from an eating disorder when we started dating and she went to rehab over the situation. I worry this is becoming an extension of her eating disorder. It's putting constant stress on her body and our relationship. With her automatic buy in to provincials this means another 10 weeks of preparation and increased stress just to be heart broken again. At what point does this become unhealthy?

Can any other competitors weigh in on this? Is this just how it is, or is this abnormal?

/r/bodybuilding Thread