Daily Questions Thread (Jun 03)

Pets actually having utility is nice, since they kinda took that almost entirely out of WoW, even if it was minimal. Those specifically do sound like the old curses tbh.

Aetherflow sounds a bit like Soul Shards, albeit at a much slower rate, but without the Bahamut stuff or Dreadwyrm Trance. This is more just me figuring out how much like warlock it is, but does it have a somewhat weird playstyle that puts a lot of people off from playing it, more self healing/defensive CDs than it should and a battle rez?

I'll probably be fine with the class before getting Bane, since you had to maintain 2-3 dots in Affliction in previous expansions on multi-target fights, and even though there was a spell to help spread DoTs, you still had to spend a global per target, so I'm used to it.

After reading more stuff in the time it takes this thing to update (I thought after the first 11GBs I'd be done....), I'm kinda interested in Black Mage and Dragoon. I'm a fan of "blow shit up/LOOK AT THESE NUMBERS" classes lol

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