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Two thoughts;

1.) It would be nice if people would actually take the time to fully think through a decision before following through with it.

2.) I am now convinced that I must be cursed when it comes to dating/relationships.

Backstory: I was in a two-year relationship up until the end of June when my ex up and decided to end things out of nowhere one day. Everything had seemingly been going well between the two of us, and the week prior to the breakup we even had gone on a romantic trip in which the entire time we were all over one another. Suddenly she says that she's just not feeling it anymore and ends it. Well, last month she reached out to me after absolute radio silence for over 5 months and is absolutely apologetic over ending things and is basically begging me to take her back. I told her she made her choice, and now that five months had passed, I had completely moved on from her and am no longer interested.

One off thing, or so I thought... After not dating for about two months following the breakup, I finally started seeing someone in September. She could've put in a little more effort in reciprocating the communication and planning, but every time I asked if she was still interested in seeing one another she always enthusiastically replied that she was. Well one day as I'm trying to plan up another date between the two of us, I can barely get her to give me the time of day. I reach out a couple more times, but suddenly complete radio silence from her and she ghosts me out of nowhere. Well fast forward to yesterday, where she messages me out of the blue to apologize and that apparently, she had also been seeing someone else at the time (mind you she said she doesn't multi-date) and decided to put her focus on him and couldn't muster up the courage to just be upfront about it to me and that's why she ghosted. Well apparently this guy ended up being an "asshole" and his "true colors" finally shined through after a month they were together. She begged me to give her a second chance and that it would never happen again. I told her that I have no interest in being someone's backup plan and that I would rather put my time and effort into finding someone that treats me with respect.

So yea... back to back people that thought the grass was greener, until they found out it actually wasn't and then thought they could just come back into my life as if their prior actions never happened.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread