Dear Oligarchy: You're Never Going To Be Able To Bury The Fact That The 2016 Democratic Primary Was Stolen

My continued focus on this is very much justified, and not just because all the horrors of the Trump administration are the result of Sanders being cheated; what happened last year represented a new phase in the autocratic takeover, wherein an event of this scale could be pulled off with most having no idea it happened. If the political establishment can hide this, they can, it seems, hide anything or push any falsehood. What comes next can be roughly found in the plot of 1984, wherein a global crisis allows a cabal of unprecedentedly skilled and driven totalitarians to take over humanity's body politic. Then enter the looming specter of a large, negative stimulus to the system, like a terrorist attack or an economic crash, provoking the fanatics in the White House to clamp down on society in just such a way, and things look pretty bleak.

But I believe Orwellianization of modern civilization will not happen, for the same reason Orwell seemed to put forth in his underhanded optimistic epilogue to 1984: the regime can silence dissenting information, but it can't make the information go away.

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