In Defense of Lindsay: Absolutely nothing Dean told Rory before he cheated was the truth. He is one of the most realistic portrayals of a cheater.

What I "did all day" when I didn't have a job and was a stay-at-home partner: laundry (you'd be surprised how much time this takes to do for 2 people, plus ironing work clothes for my partner), cleaning, yard-work, shopping & errands (I ran my partner's errands, too), taking care of our pets), pay bills, go through the mail, make appointments (again, for both of us), cooking (which included lunch because my partner came home during their break; note Lindsay also makes lunch for Dean and brings it to him).

I had about 6-7 hours of active work I was doing for our household a day and it was just the two of us and two pets. Did I sometimes have light days? Yeah, I would read or do something enjoyable. Just like an adult with a job and a day off.

When my partner stopped being grateful and started acting like I was mooching I straight up made a spreadsheet of everything, found how much he'd pay to get someone to do it instead of me, and added the amount of time per week it took me to complete each task. He stfu after that.

It's a lot of work when it's a household. Shit, as a single person now working full time and having an adult life to manage it's effing hard and there's never enough time.

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