This is democracy manifest.

Exactly. Why should I pay?? I do not see civility. I see citizens who refrain from tearing each other apart out of fear of the law. I do not see greater good, I see failed education, sub par healthcare, and massive and widespread invisible mental illness as direct symptoms of this society. We are a disgrace. Our primary expertise is at sales/marketing, and hiding our past failures. In the past organized criminals aligned based on geography and race, today they go work for the government and sell foreign governments favors for cash as we have recently seen through definitive evidence. We are a ship taking on water, and the fear based legal system that binds us all together ill not work for much longer before we explode. The Governments will never see it coming, but a catalyst will occur and all the pent up rage that "late stage capitalism/ faux democracy" has created will eventually find an outlet. And the people who will be the most surprised and shocked won't actually be Americans. In fact, those most taken aback by it all will be Canadians. Their lifestyle will decline the most of any civilized nation. They just can't see it coming.

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