DeSantis to expand 'Don't Say Gay' law to all grades

Right. The only people who ever talked about the K-3 part of it were proponents of the bill who were using that part as cloud cover for the litany of other issues in the bill, and the uninformed people who only read headlines and then respond to them.

Anyone who actually bothered to learn the slightest bit about the bill knew that the K-3 part wasn't really the point at all. I was a high school teacher when that bill passed, and we sure had a lot of briefings and memos about all the legal requirements we now had, despite being years removed from K-3 education.

When they're telling teachers that they can be fired for not telling parents what name or pronouns their 18-year-old requested, it's abundantly obvious that the only relevance of the K-3 language was to grab the dumb suckers who now think that teachers were giving explicit sex-ed to 5-year-olds because "If they made a law against it, it must have been happening!"

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