Destiny: Billionaires have no sway in politics. WTF??

My opinion has always been, if we want Sanders-esque policy, assuming majority, we could vote it in and begin towards those policies within the year, the billionaires/millionaires that have a problem with it would have no way of preventing this from happening outside of pulling some unconstitutional trap card. Of course these corporations and individuals can pay politicians to vote a certain way on a bill or just overlook issues in favor of their donors, but we could just vote them out and replace them with someone that won't. "We", as in progressives, have "zero" impact on policy because hardly anyone participates in the democratic process, and those that do are split between Republicans and Democrats, which is why I think Destiny is brining up the >75% turnout figure in favor of the Democrats. I haven't watched that video, just going off of the timestamp.

/r/Destiny Thread