Destroying the "ego" to reconstruct another one.

I'm sorry you feel it necessary to speak for so many. That you use your voice as a narrator to project upon other canvas' as though your brush is so mighty.

Have you no humility? I find it peculiar that you get to speak on these matters paradoxically, as though you're sharing is separate from the exact topic you speak!

Others will actually act on there self righteousness. Blatantly looking down at the "mind warped sheep" that they feel are so consumed by there ego's, that they are just blind to anything authentic.

Say's whom? I experience none of this, I create none of this, I am however, giggling at the ideal that you see no wrong in speaking upon others truth's with messages in concrete, rather than offerings of expansive gifts. Have you experienced a being that is without ego before? Not this lapse in the cycling of birth and death your words are attempting to grasp, but of one who has truly separated from the wheel of suffering? If you have not, then how can you speak so affirmatively as though you have? If you have, then how can you speak so affirmatively of that which is still from a narration that projects the opposite of such a space?

I think the people that do fall into this trap fail to really understand the ego's purpose. So while you may feel enlightened, and you may believe you achieved wisdom beyond your years, or got a glimpse behind the veil, and now have a deeper understanding because of it. It seems, on the grand scale of things, that you really haven't learned much at all.

And what purpose is that of the ego, great wise one, who knows so much more than I? Whom has said that I feel enlightened? I do not believe I have "achieved" wisdom beyond my years, let alone "achieved" anything, for it is not something to be obtained. It is a PRACTICE.

I will offer you, what you so eagerly and plainly strip from anyone who visits this to peer into the behaviors and experiences of which you share, in a gift of written words that may open some doors of which may be closed at your end.

If I were to offer you a task, one that has yet been experienced in your being. Then you would be learning while you're treading upon the path unknown. The first time this path would be overgrown, like a forest floor, trees and shrubs fill all directions. However, after the first time, there would begin a beaten path, a narrowing that if walked again soon, would begin to carve a trail. Same as for this task, as the first time would be so many curves of learning, soon shortcuts and understandings from previous steps towards future steps, there would be a vision. A way to anticipate and participate in the efficiency of the endeavor. As if in the path of the forest, a stream was to arise in the trek from point A to point B, and while not in the first passing, but in future ones, the exploration to find a shortening in the stream would be advised. To minimize the dangers of sweeping waters. So too, is this knowledge apparent in doings of all facets of life. Now to the point of this, your ego death is so similar in many ways.

  • When you begin experiencing such arising of egocentric patterning, the psychonaut knows that medicine must be applied, to flick the switch back from on to off again. To remember the inherent design behind all of this. The space without a self!

  • One who is devoted to spiritual and esoteric schooling, will quickly note that the outer seed of medicine is truly a cat and mouse game of what is actually at work within.

  • Where as these enlightened beings you're attempting to rip of their foundation, have educated themselves and practiced many teachings that are now internal switches, that seek no external arising to promote such action.

  • While your words are keen and sharp, they still lack a backbone of experience to hold authentic truth. Rather, they speak of a wall that has been presented before you, that is seemingly just another mirage you've accepted as truth!

I'm sorry, but there is eternal truth(s), and what you speak is sadly still lacking more pursuing of removal. But hey, as you say, this is coming from someone who, "it seems, on the grand scale of things, I really haven't learned much at all."

Enjoy your projections of consuming illusion and facade. It sounds like a very frustrating time over there, however, frustration leads to pressure, which leads to expression, which is in itself a growth of being.

Keep working friend, you will make it if you care enough to indulge in participation and surrender.

Many Blessings!

ps. If I were speaking down upon you, then the wrath would be evident, instead I have offered you seeds, that if they are planted within a mind, and watered with questions and inquiry, they shall grow sprouts of actuality that will be like whispers in the wind, or teachers to the student, even could be something so subtle as a reminder of such ego! But they only become seen to one who is looking, one who is growing in an eagerness to maintain awareness that is without self.

/r/Psychonaut Thread