Devil's rating since he joined Envy

He wasn't even the best player on LDLC, let alone in the french scene, sorry mate.

Even right now there are at least 5 better pick-ups for the team, providing players can put the so called 'beef' behind them(if it even exists nowadays; i think people over-exaggurate this).

You can say he's on the team for a reason, but he's so far out of his depth it's not even funny.
I could buy it if he was being a 'support' player, and setting up flashes/smokes or even setting up trade kills/planting for his team-mates, but he literally does nothing. It's disgusting.

People just label bad players as 'support' to protect them from hate, but sometimes it's deserved. If you want a real 'support' player, look at NBK, xyp9x for example, they do all of the former, and still manage to have great frag games, and an infinitely higher impact on the games than devil currently is.

His spray control is atrocious, his crosshair placement is mediocre at best, and he just doesn't have a good tactical grasp on what he should be doing. There are countless examples of where he has just been useless in this series alone, nevermind his entire tenure.

First gun round after the pause on dust2 for example, he fucking charges through long doors into t spawn with no flash, no smoke, and just gets wrecked thus giving NaVi the man advantage. Inferno: him and NBK are top mid, seized starts pushing down mid, then falls back to banana, nbk spots him going back to banana, and devil is literally sat there staring at NBK, watching no angles, they get flanked from quad/porch and both die.

It's like that one guy in MM who is a DMG, but queues with his global friends, so his rank gets boosted to LEM/Supreme.

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