Diana needs a rework, here is why

That's a horrible explanation, here is why:

Category Note
Passive The passive change was made to aid in pushing + jungle clear. Laning is essentially the same.
Role Diver. Pretty obvious.
Laning Phase Uh, Diana shits on AD melee assassins and goes even with immobile mages.
Jungle Please explain how she's shit at dives. If stuns are an issue, you're clearly not watching abilities. Why you would dive someone with a stun up is beyond me.
Abilities You're telling me you have 1.5m experience on Diana and you can't keep track of a Q proc?
Itemization Itemization is fine, how is this even being considered. Diana has high ability ratios, you know what that means? It means you pick up items with high ability power. Nashors, Rod of Ages, Deathcap, Luden's, Void Staff, etc. You want an AP Black Cleaver for Diana? An item that doesn't enhance any of her strengths?

Where are you getting your statistics that Diana falls of in Masters+. Both Lolalytics and LolSkill show that Diana's win rate INCREASES from Platinum to Masters, starting from an average of 52% and ending with an average of 58%.

This is what happens when you dedicate time but don't get anything out of it. The entire post is WRONG.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread