Did any of you just give up or seriously consider giving up?

“I didn’t like my home country, and I subconsciously ran away, but stayed because i fell in love.”


“For some reason, I’m still so homesick. Even tho I don’t know exactly what I miss about home.”

Same. (And still confused every time I go back.)

“My friend group is basically split up, they all have their own adult lives and jobs, our economy is crashing and I don’t have a home/apartment to go back to.”

Same for friend group. I just finished a video call with one and that’s the best we get. They’re scattered across various European countries + the UK + Canada in my case. The economy is also crashing where I’m from. The last part, almost same in that I could technically go back to my dad’s home but he’s a toxic narcissist and last time I went back, I’ve been seriously debating just staying in a hotel next time I go.

“I’m a introvert, with high functioning anxiety, and I’m very much a routine type person. I like to do everything in a certain order, at certain times. I eat certain foods every day for months until I get hooked on something else.”

Same except for introvert. I’m an extrovert with complex PTSD, which manifests mostly as anxiety, and I like routine.

The rest is only similar in that I’m the exhausted husband supporting my spouse who’s too sick to be able to support us, and that’s really forcing me to work long hours to not risk being fired.

/r/USCIS Thread Parent