Did everyone's parents have an unhealthy marriage or am I just surrounded by horrible examples?

my dad had to go out as a 19 year old and kill ppl. he had his cousins and close friends killed. massive stress being put into situations were u dont know if ur gonna die or not.

my parents marriage def wasnt something u see in a movie. times were bad constant yelling etc. i remember staying up late at night as a little kid wondering when he would come home (he was at bars drinking with people) sometimes he wouldnt come at all me and my mom had to go look for him.

None of u know ur parents situations and how their life was be4 they had you. Everyones so quick to divorce these days its kind of sick. Imagine u live thru an abusive relationship and come out at the end.. think of how grateful that person would be to u after u been thru with them when they were at their lowest point.

alhamdullilah my family is perfect right now. crazy how i had to go thru all that as a kid times were tough but now as an adult everythings gravy. But there is always someone out there who has it worse, thats why you gotta remain grateful

/r/MuslimMarriage Thread