[Discussion] If you're bored after 1,000+ hours of gameplay, you've gotten your money's worth.

I think I've played about 250-300 hours and I feel I got my money out of it.

People are just way too picky and entitled. Yeah, I said it, entitled. Oh you spent a whopping $60 on a video game and you want it to last you 4 years? Get real.

Oh you bought a new console just for the game? Sounds like you didn't have to do that as it's on last gen too.

I find people here make up so many different excuses just to be upset about something and it's pretty pathetic.

The fact that people can get 300+ hours out of a game is pretty impressive.

The only other games that I have hundreds of hours spent on are Skyrim and GTA Online. And they are both also somewhat repetitive.

I get really tired of all the bitching posts about how people are burned out on the game. Yeah, you're burned out, so stop playing it for awhile and see if you enjoy it in another month. That's what I did.

If you find yourself about to complain about a game you spent 300+ hours on just remember you got your money out of it and nobody else gives a fuck that you're not having fun. Go do something else that you find fun then.

I just end up downvoting all the complaining posts. Yes, we know the story lacked. We know the content is pretty repetitive. None of this shit is news to anyone. But people keep posting about it looking for that certain group to be online so they can circle jerk each other.

If you are burned out on the game, don't play it. Nobody wants to hear about how you're burned out. Nobody gives a fuck.

I don't think I remained completely civil but whatever. This place is a breeding grounds for entitled little bitches to complain about how they have three level 32's and that there's nothing left for them to do.

Go cry a fuckin river. That's what you should do it you have 300-1000 hours into a game and you're bored with it. Get a fucking life, how about that?

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread