Why does America let Trump ratchet up the war rhetoric against North Korea, Venezuela, etc?

Honestly education is where the answer lies. Make it cheap and affordable. When the majority of people see what terrible things are happening, change can occur. I use my country, Canada as an example. We are not perfect by any means, but we also have the worlds most educated population (60% of us hold university degrees). Education is cheap, I went to a world class university and paid 5k per year for tuition and if you cant get it the govt will give you interest free loans, or as of recently just give it to you for free. Its also no coincidence we have the wealthiest middle class in the world and most of us have a deep trust in the govt. Yeah our govt does stupid things from time to time, but they are also the reason drugs are so cheap, or great free public school no matter where I live as an example.

America has good things, the worlds most innovative and profitable companies come from your country, but they only benefit the 0.001% of the population.

Yes, the American experiment has shown major signs of failure but its never too late. That Sanders guy could have really put you guys on the right track.

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