Does anyone have advice for being poly in a monogamous relationship?

There is no such thing as "poly people", being poly is a lifestyle choice, not a type of person. I'm deeply tired of this misinformation. Everyone forms pair bonds unless they are damaged, and every one can find themselves wanting other people. Young people are more open to playing the field (poly/dating multiple people). Everyone regresses to a mean in every relationship (the mean is always exclusivity or breaking up). Most in the poly community are unwilling or ideologically opposed to accepting these facts. It's sad really because exclusivity doesn't mean you can't play and have meaningful sexy friendships. Poly is often just another word for cheating or single or committed. The true poly is a rare bird as there is precious little time to maintain multiple pair bonds let alone emotional energy.

You sound young. Give monogamy a chance or admit you can not commit to him yet. Being monogamous doesn't mean denying your "poly" desires. But it sounds to me you just don't think he is the drop him if he is not ok with not being exclusive. Don't waste his is more precious to him than you. My best advice is to introduce swinging first, but I have a feeling you just cheated on him and are calling it poly.

/r/polyamory Thread