Does CS:GO need an overhaul on visual clarity?

There are so many other things that should be fixed, this isn't one of them. If everything else was okay with this game (cheaters, peeker's advantage, bomb getting stuck in odd places, map balance, tec-9 balance, the awp getting it's balls cut, smurfing, spectator bugs, smoke bugs - much better tough right now -, not having an unranked MM, 64 tick, I could go all day. Now this? This is something that's even debateble, whether or not should the dev's even touch this.

I don't want all the maps looking like season, FFFFFF walls and all that crap. You can't spot the guy bc you don't look hard enough, that's your problem. They're usually just hard to spot, not impossible to spot. If the enemy player has to good sense to position himfels in a spot like this, and I miss it - it's my goddamn fault. Not something the dev's should change. If you're having trouble spotting enemies, you can change your monitor settings / video card settings, like up your gamma/digital vibrance on nvidia cards.

But I wouldn't say this sis something that Valve needs to change right now - or like ever, really. But most def not right now, when there are jsut a dozen more critical, more gamebreaking problems present, from the MM system being utter shit to high level ranks being almost unplayable (thank good for my nova noobines), servers being shitty, 64 tick being more & more annoying, or them struggling with gun balance, or the goddamn scout bug, not even the jump scouting, but the crouch, scope, and go like a goddamn greased lightning. This is not something where the developers focus should be - at least IMHO everybody would be more happy if they announced a straight up buffed VAC 2.0, that would make MM tolreable - many people would cry out in joy, really. If next thursday there would be a line in the changelog about improved visibility troughout the game - okay, big fucking what? Yeah, it's a nice little gesture towards the inexperienced players, it might help them a bit more, but 95% of the players won't notice a thing about this.

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