Does a software development career have a decent work-life balance? If so, what is your advice in finding places that have that balance?

Not at the moment, it doesn't! I've been doing 11-hour days for quite a while—maybe a year or so—and I take my laptop home most nights.

Recently I heard a developer get mocked to his face for not giving a project manager his personal phone number, knowing full well that if he did, it would mean he'd be asked to do work on nights and weekends. Good on him for holding out, but many people have lost that battle already.

On the other hand, my first job, which lasted about eight years, was pretty relaxed. 35-40 hours a week, and a very reasonable pace and stress level. That was also a development position.

Part of the difference is due to increasing my level of responsibility after 10-11 years in the industry, but I think there is also a trend toward people working even harder. There's a lot more competition for jobs, and that's not likely to change. There's also the need to be constantly learning new skills, which generally has to happen on your personal time.

I ought to say that I work in consulting, which is more consistently high-stress than working at a product or service company, but if you work at a bad product or service company, that could be even worse.

/r/AskReddit Thread