A dog being posed by a German soldier, 1940

I find it quit humorous that no fern day people view all previous German soldiers as Jew killing maniacs. The truth is some Germans new especially the towns nearest to the camps. But the vast majority of German soldiers stationed in Africa, Russia and Italy had no idea about what Hitler's and his minions were doing to the Jews. The SS proudly killed Jews and were still fighting after Hitler committed suicide. The SS were Hitler's Youth raised during the 30s and made to believe that Germany was a Devine country that was going to rule the world. The older generations bought into Hitler's speeches about making Germany strong because they were in a worse Finacial crisis than the US was in the 20s. The average German grunt fought for his country to make it strong. The SS fought for their divine Fuher.

Anyone who believes that all Germans knew about the camps is stupid as all hell and needs to read and talk to veterans.

Plus is the feeling of fighting for your nation against the foreign hordes of Europe so different from how the US says that Middle Eastern countries all want to kill us in the name of Islam? Grow up idiots the US does the same as the Germans of 1930-40s.

/r/OldSchoolCool Thread Link - 2.bp.blogspot.com