Donald Trump says Mexican government 'forces many bad people into our country': "We rate the claim Pants on Fire."

You're missing the point on the Obama statement. The point wasn't that the future costs were trending downwards even before the ACA implementation. The point was that Obama directly said "...reduce costs". The ACA has done no such thing; nor has the trend that was occurring before hand done such a thing. They've both reduced future costs; but not the costs.

It's the same lie told with Defense spending. They're not cutting costs of Defense when they say they're cutting costs; they're cutting projected future costs, but the spending still increases.

Now you can call me anal over what words were used; but that's part of my point:

Note that he didn’t say he "helped raise" incomes; he said "raised." -- from the Huckabee article

They were very particular on word choice in the instance of Huckabee. In the Obama article they even pointed out that Obama's choice of using "costs" instead of "future costs" was a sticky situation. But they gave him the benefit of the doubt.

When looked at; Huckabee's statement is more truthful than Obama's. The things he stated did happen; he just conveniently omitted the part where that even though those things happened; they were canceled out by inflation. None of what Obama said in regards to cost was true. At no point did the cost of healthcare become reduced.

The circumstances are the same; the only difference is message. Huckabee and Obama both made a statement of fact, but the fact in both statements relies on omitting key information.

Judgment on truth is always subjective.

Which is why politifact and their whole system is a sham. Either something is true, or it is false; there is no room for interpretation in factual reporting.

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