I don't care about my friends anymore because I reproduced

I'm so sorry that this happened to you, I've been through singing similar recently. I'm glad that you weren't alone in this and still had friends who cared enough to be in contact with you. I'm glad to hear that you are getting the help you need and hope you are on your way to recovery.

I didn't end up in a mental hospital myself, but I very well might have if the doctors I was trying to work with had left me hanging much longer (had for wait about 5 months to see a specialist and the wait was agony.) I was going downhill very rapidly this year after being very, very ill with things picked up from my nephew (sister doesn't believe in vaccinations.) That being said, she knew I was CF and I thought she understood me.

My sister and I have been very close (until she had kids) and she was one of very few people who I could talk to about how I was really doing. I broke down and told this person how I was really doing, that I was feeling very scared, alone, forgotten and unloved. Lots of people (most had kids) who I'd helped with their own struggles had faded on me.

So, as I'm having a bit of a breakdown, she looks me dead in the eye and tearily assures me that "even though you don't care about [nephew], he still loves you even if no one else does!!"

It was so out of the blue, my sister had never gone so overboard like that before. I think it would have hurt less of she had just slapped me. Of everything that was happening at that time, that was what was apparently the most important. It made me angry with her for dragging a little kid into the mess, it was so incredibly inappropriate. Should mention that she was pregnant at the time, this is relevant later.

I still haven't told her how that made me feel, I let it go for the time as I didn't want to say something I'd regret (really wasn't feeling all there at the time.) I later asked a close friend for advice about how to address the matter once I'd calmed down and the advice I got was that being pregnant is basically a get out of jail free card.

It's been months since this, and I'm doing better, but I still haven't spoken to my sister about this. I wouldn't be suprised if she has no memory of this (since she's had kids, she's become very forgetful.) I'm debating whether to bringing it up, now that I'm feeling myself again.

I hate to think that I've lost her to the awful 'mombie' mindset. I miss my sister.

/r/childfree Thread