I don't think Jordan Peterson gets enough credit

I think the problem here is that kids in general believe what they’re taught, so they parrot what they learn. This I think is true of everyone, but kids are entirely engaged with learning more than anything else.

So, people spend their entire lives in school learning an ideology, and there are no opposing viewpoints. The papers they write are arguing against a fictional opponent, because those view points aren’t allowed in the social sciences.

Then, someone comes along and is well educated, researched, and is able to debate these ideas in some capacity. And the world loses its mind because this is new. It’s like jumping into a cold pool. People believe that even the ACT of debating an issue with Jordan Peterson is a hate crime. Or causes harm.

The simple fact in the Jordan Peterson case is that he has openly said he will call students by their preferred pronouns if they ask sincerely. As we all should. There is no harm in honoring a sincere personal request.

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