Why don't men get as much of a thrill over fictional romances as women do? Men fall in love too, so why don't they enjoy a good love story? And if you do, what are your favorites (TV, books, movies)?

I would agree with you but he says "generally" and then uses "gender roles" as a baseline without explaining what those actually are.. which makes it sound like women=passive men=aggressive is anything but a construct.

He is not dismissing your experiences or methods of romance at all, he's just not including it probably because he doesn't understand it like he does the norm.

Ok but in his very next comment:

when you talk about women pursuing men, that usually happens in a markedly different fashion than the way in which men pursue women (hint: it's more passive). A woman "aggressively" pursuing a man looks more like said woman going to extensive lengths to make it clear that she is available for pursuit rather than actively pursuing; the man is still usually leading things forward in some manner by handling the logistics of this romance.

Like. What? No. That's just giving an answer that conforms to the narrative he already laid out.

women are more interested in romcoms because they're one of the few genres that they as a gender can relate with

In the states, women make up the majority of movie-goers across all genres so, I dont think this is solely about relatability, necessarily. Like, I've never related to the leads in romcoms.. if anything, they remind me of the protagonists in hamfisted stories I heard growing up (damsel in distress, prince rescues, life complete once a man is present).. which may be a nostalgia thing for some, but relatable in any real sense of the word might be a stretch.

See the latest example: Star Wars

Right but these are the exceptions that prove the rule

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