Double standards have never been so obvious

students are rebelling against being required to learn rape law due to issues with "triggers." What is a world like where lawyers are too sensitive to learn about rape law?

The hell kind of selfish world do we live in where people are more worried about their own feels than protecting others from harm? Bleh.

Yeah the current "feminist" (see: liberal and pomo queer theory) academics are a disgrace to feminism. I'm trying to be optimistic here in thinking that men are not biologically (innately) evil to women, but if I ever change my mind then I'm just going to go full lesbian separatist. I'd wager that if a libertarian Marxian social restructuring of society towards equality fails, then yeah. You'd be right, human nature is fucked. Paglia would be right, the inequality and injustice is built into our biology.

And why wouldn't it be? Nothing necessitates that the world is just. I've heard all kinds of weirdness about the way animals mate in the animal kingdom. Plenty of rape, at least things that seem like rape.

And it wouldn't be completely impossible or implausible, considering that nothing in the universe demands perfection; only we demand perfection of ourselves. Nothing stops the universe from dealing out bad cards for humanity in the first place. It would just mean that unless we change our nature, we are fucked. And I'm on the first spaceship to colonize Venus with my lesbian sistren.

I mean, I don't know why I'm so optimistic anyway.

Those students should be assigned to watch a marathon of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit as a prerequisite. If they can't handle that, well... Maybe I should consider a career as a lawyer. Reality is harsh. They shouldn't be coddled.

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