Dude got mad that the characters aren't sexy enough and Hideo actually dous a decent job of writing women, the post edited post was him saying "the woman aren't sexy enough and why is he getting influenced by the trashy western media"

Lol almost everyone here is talking about how she looks this sub is called men WRITING women not designing. If they want to talk about her breathing through her skin well there have been several characters in the MG series who could. Love the fact yall are acting like there aren't a bunch of comments about her lack of clothing. Anytime anyone brings up quiet that's the only thing they can say. Kojima has written so many different types of diverse women in all of his games lax not just the MG franchise, he's not bad at writing women. He's also an LGBT ally and was one before it was socially acceptable to be one. It's annoying to see so much hate for someone who literally is great at writing women and LGBT characters. I LITERALLY went to college for writing and game design, this is my area of expertise and the lack of awareness right now is suffocating. No one is even providing any examples of the bad writing, the way she's dressed is brought up, someone else tried to say she can't talk when she absolutely can. Which proves the point most the people here havent even played the game. I'm acting like you're all catty fake feminists because of the typical mob mentality that happens when anyone doesnt agree with the herd, instead of proving me wrong with facts I've been called names and downvoted.

/r/menwritingwomen Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it