Dudes rockin

No worries, assuming you're a guy, I'm sure it's very different from your experience lol

I don't think anything was really "blocking" me. I did have a religious upbringing, but I've actually never felt any shame about masturbating or anything like that lol. For some reason I could just never figure it out. It all felt good, but I just never got all the way there

I ended up looking at a subreddit that helps women learn to orgasm, since honestly I felt pretty shitty about it. I was worried that there was something wrong with me, that I'd never get to experience it, and that I'd end up hurting any partners I might have. But apparently it's a very common issue for women

So I read that sub a lot and just kept trying different things. What really helped was buying a vibrator -- now I can cum both with it and without it. I think I just had to build up those pathways and really teach my brain/body to cum

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