EA has the gall to charge $100 for a virtual player in a CELLPHONE GAME.

France. The French have this culture under lockdown. They strike constantly and the people demand their rights.

You think tech workers do t have the luxury to examine the ethics of their company?

You think average people somehow can't start their own more ethical companies in this day and age and actually compete?


In Ireland if you can see over the bar they'll serve you. In Germany your parents give you wine and beer when you ask for it. It takes away the mystery and squashes it as a means to rebel.

If we put these things up on a pedestal and say "these are for grown ups" it makes kids want them more. Parents should educate kids of the dangers. Teach them not to over indulge, and as a result we'll have fewer instances of highschool and college kids with alcohol poisoning.

The drinking age and culture in the US is a direct cause of the problem. It's not a solution. It's a cause.

/r/gaming Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com