Eating disorders and Stoicism

One fat prediabetic's "eating disorder" is another's winning disorder. I choose to alternate day fast, and eat every 22-30hrs when I can and beyond, because I'm not getting fatter for this random lockdown (first I ever saw downtown to wear the mask, tons fam in medicine, not saying it's a fake disease), just saying a lot of people call things a disorder or disease, while they lack any control.

Yes, forgive yourself. Reset homeostasis. Incorporating fasting = life changing. Getting on a program. Slowly by slowly, baby steps, one 24hr fast 1-2mo from now, getting used to 16-20hrs, got some older relatives to do this. They thought I was straight up crazy, but even their non complying with actual legit fasting, helped their thyroid, various labs, etc. good day.

/r/Stoicism Thread