At the end of the day, the candidate that's polling worse will be the spoiler for the Democratic party. That means Hillary is Nader, not Sanders.

No. That's not how it works. If you don't understand how the system works, there's just no hope for you. We don't elect people in this country with the popular vote. Those of us who watched George W. Bush win the 2000 election and crush progressive ideals for 8 years (as well as killing millions of people along the way) know this.

It's not about polling. It's about who gets the nomination and who the Electoral College will go for, and they never go for independents. On top of that, you won't get enough people splitting from the Democratic Party to support Bernie, so there won't be any big revolution. There will just be a Trump win and then the subsequent loss of every civil rights advance we've made in the past eight years.

But I know none of you care about this. At this point, it's all about watching the world burn as some sort of temper tantrum revenge act. I wanted Bernie, too... But I'm old enough to have been through this shit before and smart enough to know we're all fucked if Trump wins.

However, all I can do is vote and hope, and then if Trump wins, I get to sit back and watch all the people in the generations after mine go through the same bullshit we did, and then be in the same positions we are now-- watching the generation after yours make the same mistakes and watching the pendulum swing back toward the right further and further each time.

And if we're lucky, it won't swing so far right this time that it can't come back our way... But the way Trump talks, I kinda think that's exactly what we're in for. Just wait until you live in an America with two Trump-appointed Supreme Court Justices. Say goodbye to a woman's right to choose, LGBT rights, and environmental or consumer protections. Say hello to corporatism and Trump running the country "like a business", just like Michigan's Governor Snyder (you know: The guy who poisoned Flint because he ran our state "like a business").

If you're not scared of a Trump Presidency, then you deserve the hell we will face if he wins.

/r/SandersForPresident Thread