Entire school board resigns after mocking parents on school reopening

Except in Sweden and the other Nordic countries taxes are high but everyone benefits. Correct me if I’m wrong but my understanding is free healthcare and college for everyone

Yeah, that's what social democracy is.

I feel like the leftists of today want to both tax higher income individuals more and prevent them from accessing the benefits that those taxes would go towards.

I have never heard this viewpoint. Do people actually want that? It doesn't really make sense to tax people and then prevent them from getting any services in return for their money, no one would pay tax in such a situation.

And I’ve posted this on Reddit before but the equality rhetoric has me flabbergasted when my family legally immigrated to the US from a third world country when I was four with no connections, savings, or anything. Just a strong work ethic and a focus on education. I still believe so much in the American dream and people who don’t have no idea that in much of asia your chances of getting ahead aren’t just your wits but your political connections and how much money you have to bribe.

I'm glad it worked for your family. Sure America has more opportunities than third world countries but we still have lots of room to improve, and there are things that a country as wealthy as the US has no excuse for ignoring.

/r/LockdownSkepticism Thread Parent Link - dailymail.co.uk