EP thinks an entire bus should have to sit in silence for her child

Obviously you've never dealt with a special needs student before. They have just as much a right to education as a neuro-typical student does. That said they may learn at a different pace or in a different way than others. The onus is on the school, especially public schools, to make services like this available to students who have needs such as this.

As to your specific comments let me share some things with you as an Autistic person myself...

  1. There is a big difference between playground and classroom. On the playground I would be running around playing just like everyone else. To assume we need people to "tiptoe" around us is insulting.
  2. The mother informed the driver two weeks in advance of the situation and all she wanted was a decent effort to be made. I highly doubt she expected a bus full of kids to be absolutely silent but I'm sure she expected at least some decorum. In addition not only was she there to see her child off but was also there to pick him up.
  3. So you think that just because a child cannot cope with certain things it means they need to be completely segregated? Boy I'm glad you weren't my parent because if you were I would've never graduated high school, not to mention college twice.
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