Even More Celebs Are Coming Out Against Trump’s Refugee Ban

Here's what I don't get.

The right loves to bash Hollywood as out of touch liberal elitists who don't represent the common man. But look at who they are accusing....a lot of these celebrities started with little to nothing and worked their assess off until they struck it big.

George Clooney went to college for journalism and didn't graduate. He sold shoes, sold insurance door to door and worked in retail before landing a part as an extra.

Madonna came from the Detroit suburbs. She went to college on a scholarship and dropped out to move to new York with literally nothing. She worked at a Dunks to afford dance school to become a back up dancer before finally starting her own band and making it big.

There are a ton of stories out there like this. A lot of these people did actually pull themselves up by their boot straps. They lived the American dream and they succeeded doing it.

Yet somehow they don't understand the average American....while another set of millionaire business owners who had their businesses and their fortunes handed to them by their patents do?

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