One time I was travelling abroad with a friend and we had planned months in advance to see my favourite band in one of the cities. It was going to be a big trip just for the one night we were staying for the concert, she wasn't a huge fan, and by the end of the trip she had met someone and we sort of split up. The night before the concert, at this point we had recently parted ways "temporarily", and around midnight she messaged me saying she wasn't going to go to the concert anymore. I was devastated. All my hostel friends were asleep by then so I couldn't give the ticket to someone I knew, and I'd have to get up at 7 am for ~8 hours of train rides to get to the new city for the concert. I was up until 4 that night incredibly upset, skyping friends and family about what to do and if I should do the huge trip alone. Thankfully I decided to go, and when i got to the new hostel I met a couple, who were a couple years older, and also going to the concert. They sort of took me under their wing and I spent the whole concert with them. They made me realize how much of an impact small acts of kindness can have on people's lives. They truly made me feel so welcome and included, they were so interesting and full of knowledge about music and their life stories, and looked out for me and made sure I was safe and happy the whole time. Also the concert was incredible! I'm so happy I got to see such an amazing performance! Even though at first I had been so upset that my friend would do that, it made me realize how many incredible people there are in the world. I think about that experience a lot still. I hope one day I can be that nice to a stranger as they were to me. Also, even though I was upset, I went into the situation being positive and hopeful, took the opportunities that came by, and accepted their help/kindness (which can sometimes be hard to do if your stubborn like me!) I don't know if this is the sort of response you were looking for, but that was just my experience!
Tl;Dr went to concert alone -> was great & the experience influenced me a lot -> would recommend!