Have you ever witnessed someone completely snap? What happened?

I made my parents snap on many occasions when i was younger. I would cause both of them(never at the same time) to yell and scream and sometimes smash shit. My dad would typically pick up and whip objects at the wall, whereas my mom would wail on me(never to my head). She would always blame me for her hands hurting afterwards(which is some backwards ass logic lol), so at some point I just started grabbing her wrists and restraining her when she started to wail. She hated it of course but at least she wouldn't be in pain.

The worst one though was not entirely because of me. I was arguing with my parents and they were both on the cusp of snapping. Then, as my dad was speaking, my mom interrupted him for the bajillionth time and he had a mini-snap. He yelled something along the lines of "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS FUCKING BUTT IN!?!" to my mom. Unfortunately though, this was in my dads broken English and kinda sounded like "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS FUCK MY BUTT!?!". And then it happened. She fucking lost it like I've never seen before. She was yelling and screaming so loud i couldnt even make out the words, she was wildly wailing on him and then she freaking flipped the coffee table over(full 180) and stormed out continuing to yell and scream into their bedroom and slammed the door behind her. My dad was totally dumbfounded. He had no idea what just happened. It was such a huge outbreak that the original argument I was having with them was completely over. I immediately told my dad what happened and he went into their bedroom to sort it out.

TL;DR I drove my parents to the brink of snapping before a miscommunication between them made my mother explode.

I'd like to add that my parents were never abusive, I was just the fucking worst when I was a teenager hahaha. I love my parents very much :)

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