Do you ever wonder if people claim "depression is genetic" just to cover up abusive family dynamics?

In my case, my nmom used the mental health system to make me the scapegoat. She only wanted me to go only whichever mental health professional she chose and never go to anyone else, or to give me whichever psychiatric medication she chose, and with the exception of 1 professional, whoever she choose were all bad professionals. And she also wanted me to have whichever psychiatric disease she wanted. I fought a lot with her and distanced myself a lot from her over this.

Edit: For example, my uncle claims his son (my cousin) is depressed because of some genetic defect. But he claims his dad abuses him behind closed doors. No one believes the kid because my uncle told everyone he is mentally ill.

Something similar happened to me. After one of the huge fights I had with my mom over the treatment I she wanted me to do, my brother talked to me to say that I should not fight with my mother because he saw her crying after I fought with her. But when she makes me depressed and suicidal, it's not that she has to stop, no, then it's me who needs medication to cure my depression and she doesn't have to change one bit. I also complained to him about the side effects of the drugs she wanted me to take, but he didn't care one bit. At most what my brother did to defend me was one day he asked me if I was ok, and then I said "no, because my mother said I'm schizophrenic", when that is not true in my case. My brother then went to talk to my mother, and she came to me and said "you didn't understand what I meant". Yeah right, it's my fault that you claimed I had a disease I don't have.

At another time, she wanted me to yet again go to whichever professional she wanted or take whichever drug she wanted and I refused. Then I got an e-mail from my cousin of mine saying that my mother had told him that I'm refusing to take the medication I need. I sent him a lengthy reply explaining to him that she has been doing this kind of crap for a decade, and that she's making my life much worse by doing this. Then he replies back saying that "oh, she's a kid too who doesn't know what she's doing", and that "your parents are too rational and due to that you've become too rational, so I need to go to therapy to get help with that". So again, I'm the one who needs to change, not her.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread