In exactly 6 words, what would you say to the 20 year old you?

Don't worry about anything. You're on a good path. There will be struggle in work, some bad times even, but it'll make you better and more confident in what you do – there is something better coming up around the corner. There isn't any need to be so caught up on your future either. You'll get there, take your time and enjoy the ride.

Some terrible things will happen in your love life, don't worry about it. You'll soon realise it's for the better and it's allowed you to go on and do something great and live out a dream you're starting to have and develop. She isn't worth the effort of being upset (nor the next).

Spend more time with your friends. Some won't be around for much longer (neither will you for that matter), some will change completely. Enjoy the moments you have with them and make the most of it.

Finish that renovation ASAP! You'll see why. It's nothing bad, just a slight annoyance finishing it off when you're no longer there to manage it... And just let her have the apartment. The other one to be clear. It’ll give you more satisfaction that way and put it to bed immediately. Again, you’ll see why..

Don't be afraid to tell your friends and family what they need to hear. It may be harsh, but the truth often is. You’ll be hated for a bit but It'll help everyone out a lot quicker instead of dragging out their shit.

Oh and maybe buy a lot of bit coin (a shit tonne) when it’s worth SFA, sell at about 1000 (Dec 13’)… I think that was just before it peaked and dropped..

Oh and remember, cool guys don’t look at explosions. Shit will go wrong. The main thing is to keep a cool head, emotions in check and control your reactions and the image of yourself to others. That’s all people remember and respect in those tough times.

And finally; be keep being excellent to everyone, you magnificent bastard.

/r/AskReddit Thread