The far right complains after the search engine DuckDuckGo vows to limit Russian propaganda.

Withholding info (true or false) is counter productive and sows distrust in some of your audience. I'm not saying give propaganda a platform, I'm saying once you openly censor someone it looks bad. IMO censorship is the wrong way to combat propaganda. When people see others opinions being suppressed, some begin to feel like the narrative is being controlled. All you can do is fight it with the truth and openly debunk false information. It doesn't matter if there's good intentions behind the censoring. If the end result is you sowing distrust in people then how effective is censorship really? I would bet the odds of someone falling for propaganda increase greatly once they start seeking alternative info sources because they no longer believe they are getting the full scope of information needed to develop their own opinions. Censorship only pushes people closer to the rabbit hole, it's not hard for people to sucked in and many never get out.

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