Fashion Forward 12 year old girl sent home from school because of rape culture and sexist men

The fact that you keep using the word underbutt to describe a 12 year old's outfit is honestly distressing. and no that's not because of anything within me that feels sexual. That's because you (as you clearly understand by talking about the boy wanking in a corner[seriously, what the fuck]) understand that it is sexual and you're attempting to treat it like it's a point of pride and everyone else's fault that the administration finds that innappropriate.

do you understand that as much as you can be marching this girl naked up and down the street and acting like it's everyone else's fault for looking at your naked daughter---Regardless of how wrong that is to be sexually attracted to it, you've still marched her down the street naked

and for fuck's sake, this is school we're talking about. Do you think her as an adult would fare better in a work place with her "underbutt" hanging out? Stop acting like you're a fucking hero for defending your daughter's inappropriate dress style. Guys catch the same flack for wearing clothing that's too revealing, our styles just tend not to go in that revealing direction. That is not sexist, it's just the fucking truth.

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