The father of a boy killed at Sandy Hook gets death threats from people who say the shooting was a hoax

It scares me sometimes. He found religion about a decade ago and became extremely overzealous. He sat me down and tried to explain God and how he sees it. I was respectful, but I'm not religious and have no plans to be. It got to the point where he was making fun of one of our Jewish friends for not being familiar with his own faith and trying to inject religion into every conversation. We would be trying to watch a TV Show like Ghost Hunters and he would try to explain how they were really demons and not ghosts. One of our friends became hostile about it and most of us just cut contact. I kept some distance, but we never stopped hanging out. I've known the guy since I was 3 and the last thing I want to do is shame him or be disrespectful. He thinks we all just looked down on him because we aren't religious. I tried to be nice about it, but there is only so much you can do when someone is constantly bringing it up.

He acts the same way when he talks about politics and Alex Jones. I don't trust his politics at all. I don't think any rational person would think that every major gun tragedy in the US has been orchestrated by Obama. He tried explaining it to me one day, I basically told him I want nothing to do with it. I did my own research and if any great truth was hidden in anything Alex Jones says it would be parroted around the web on large news sites. He's not some prophet who has a secret line to the truth. He's a man who just throws enough shit at the wall that eventually one piece will stick, then he can act like he knew what was happening all along. He's a snake oil salesman who sells diet pills that have no proof that they actually work.

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