Some help with sore neck, stiff back, etc..

I am laying here in almost the same position. My shoulders and especially my neck are stiff and sore. I took a couple of generic Excedrin which is acetominophen (Tylenol) with a little caffeine. I cannot find a pillow that supports my neck and I have been looking down at my phone off and on practically all day and yesterday so it's like a crick from hell from the top of my neck and down to my shoulders. I kept rubbing my eyes a lot last month and I had shard crumbs that got in them so I went to the eye doctor. I have clogged tear ducts and next to no natural tears. Take the eye grittiness you feel after being up two days and jack that feeling up 75%. Add extreme eye sensitivity and the constant feeling that you have something in your eye and you're you'd get a small taste of how fucked up my eyes feel. Add to that my constant tweakerisms of washing my face and pulling at my eyebrows and finish it off with how I cannot stop putting in different kinds of artifical tear drops and there I am. Laying here smoking a bowl to try and sleep a little and looking freakish wifh my swollen red eye rims and puffy eyelids. I have to chill and rest so I'll try ouf your suggestions. The eye strain from spending hours on my phone and ipad aren't helping. I'm sorry for hijacking your thread man. I meant to write a simple line or two of support and I kept on about my eye bullshit. They may have to put in stents (?) to open up the tear ducts and meanwhile I'm the only one who knows what's causing the problem. I walk around looking like Roy Orbison wearing my dark shades 24-7. I hope you get some relief. Something that I think feels good is putting a damp washcloth or dishtowel in the microwave for 45-60 seconds and putting it over my closed eyes first and it is intense feeling at first but then feels good. Repeat same action with hot cloth on the back of my neck and then again with it between my shoulder blades. It helps ease the tension some. I'd give every dude on my street a handjob to get my hands on a Soma. Hope you and I both get some rest. Good luck!

/r/Stims Thread