February 2nd Bonus Hashinshin challenger top lane discussion

Yes, toplane is fine! that is why none of the champions with roam potential/global impact/late-game scaling are able to peak above a 50% winrate. I'm not talking about op.gg "winrates", I'm talking about how literally out of the 3 other challenger toplaners I know within my server have realized playing anything other than camille, gangplank, ornn, and gnar is going to result in you needing to play a tank (the most coinflip bullshit you can play at this elo). Also jayce is shit vs anything that isn't a bruiser right now, and picking a mage other than karthus is the worst idea you could suggest.

In short, the game has come down to: pick one of these like 4 champs that actually have an impact on the game, or play a tank and flip your coin to see if you win. Incredibly healthy.

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