Feel stuck in a rut and don't know what to do.

I don't see those as petty concerns at all. I struggle like this, too. At times I just tell myself that life is about accepting my limitations on a particular day and not running myself down further when I feel terrible. When I don't stand at the sink to wash dishes because my back pain is too great, for example.

One of my neighbors has hired a third neighbor for laundry services. Twice a week third neighbor drops off a large plastic sack of clean things. If you can afford ways to shift some of these burdens and give yourself a break, do.

As for making myself feel better amidst chaos, I download apps related to what I want to learn about or change. No pressure to use them; they're waiting for me whenever I feel ready (unlike signing up for something that requires a time commitment, such as a knitting class). My latest pick is The Culture Trip. Short articles or lists on things to explore all over the world. Just enough info to spark an interest.

I also ditched my social media. Even though I love my friends, I want to stay connected with them in more organic ways. Texts are the most 'techie' route we connect. Otherwise it's a face-to-face check in.

Take a personal day and just rest. Let your mind relax. It helps.

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