Feminism is a Sexual Strategy That Has Caused the Breakdown of the Nuclear Family

I believe the problem stems from women being given the right to vote. I'm not saying that women shouldn't have the right to vote, but you have to understand they have a very different way of doing things. Basically men are more pragmatic and women are more emotional. We do things for efficiency and survival, they do things to feel good and help people.

And when you have a society forged by a pragmatic ideology that is suddenly confronted by a flood of emotions, well guess what, shits gonna hit the fan. So now western society is stuck in a sort of deconstructive phase as it tries to cater more to women and emotions. This is where modern Feminism comes into play. Many of them claim to promote equality for women, but a good portion of it is a lie. This is type a of subterfuge designed to diminish men's rights while increasing the power of the state, which can then be used to enforce their will.

Women have slowly forged laws that incentivise them to leave men (this falls under the guise of empowerment), and this is where the cucking begins. A woman can decide she wants half your shit, take your kids and demand money from you for the next 18 years of your life all the while receiving welfare from the state. And if you refuse to pay you will get thrown in jail. But if you wanted to leave her and take the kids you would probably not only lose in court but be unable to claim benefits such as child support from her.

The state becomes her new provider and you become disposable. If you do some research you'll see a direct correlation between feminism, women's rights and communism all working together to destroy the freedom and individualityof both men and women.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent