Feminists of Reddit; What gendered issue sounds like Tumblrism at first, but actually makes a lot of sense when explained properly?

Oh man, angry rant time! This is one of the prime reasons I walked away from academia. I had an older faculty member who decided to take me under her wing when I was young. When she found out my then fiance had proposed to me, she started 'teasing me' by calling me a bad feminist, etc. etc. Finally it built up to one day where she reamed me for getting married, and then she made a point to interrupt or talk over every single one of my presentations at work. She also told me that my husband would leave me, and that 'if you put someone else's happiness before yours you'll go through life miserable.' She also told me if I was to leave the school, I'd 'never find work ever again'.

The worst part of this shit was that I had encountered it in grad school as well. Guess what happened? I quit teaching. I left the field and now work in the private industry. I earn more now, and I've NEVER had a single employer give me shit for being married or wanting kids. I've had several places even try to get me to come on board by showing me 'their sweet, sweet benefits packages, which include maternity leave and other goodies.'

Women, we are MEAN to each other. Some of the most out of control crazy sexist shit was from fellow women who just wanted everyone to stay lock-step with their life path. That shit is crazy. The whole point of being a good feminist is to look around and say, 'do you want help'? Not, 'you are wrong for wanting this'!!!

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