Finally going to beat my food addiction

Food is a tough one. I struggle with it as well. I like sweets (cookies, candy, donuts, cake, etc.), soda pop, and fast food (really all kinds of food) way too much.

On the first of the year, I noticed that I am the heaviest I've ever been (about 40 lbs heavier than I should be). My older brother (he's 44, and I'm 42) mentioned that he is about 40 lbs. overweight too. We made a little wager/competition to help encourage each other to lose some weight. We decided to each lose 40 pounds by the 4th of July. I'm down 12 pounds so far, and I think he is down about 6-7.

My weight has gone up and down a lot over the years. I generally shed weight by exercising (mainly bicycling) a lot, and eating a little less (but still ate a lot of junk food). I only bike during the April-Oct. season, as it is too cold Nov. - March. During that time, my weight shoots back up again.

This time, I changed my approach a little. I am trying to pretty much avoid soda pop, sugar, junk food. It's not that I totally avoid those things 100%, but probably reduced my consumption of them by 80% or so. I've also cut back on refined carbs somewhat (bread, white rice, potato), maybe 60% reduction of those things.

I've also increased my protein and fat consumption (while decreasing my overall food consumption slightly). I try to eat at least 150 grams of protein a day. I'm also doing a lot of weightlifting and biking. I am trying to lose fat, and build (or at least not lose) muscle at the same time.

Anyway, I have a long term goal of maintaining an improved lifestyle where I eat a lot less "junk food", and maintain at least a moderate level of exercise.

I'm going to go check out that /r/bodyweightfitness thing you mentioned. Maybe it will be helpful to me as well.

Thanks and best wishes man. Porn and fapping are bigger problems for me than the food issue, but they kind of go together. Self discipline, health, and strength go together as well.

/r/NoFap Thread